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Friday, January 2, 2009

Honey Instead of Antibiotics

Honey is well known for its various health claims. But scientists could not even imagine that this common resource is popular, in fact, it effectively. Canadian researchers discovered that honey can destroy the bacteria that causes chronic runny nose. The effectiveness of this remedy, in some cases even exceeded one of the antibiotics.

The effect of honey on bacteria
Canadian scientists at the University of Ottawa studied the effect of honey on 11 strains of microorganisms, including dangerous pathogens such as Staphylococcus gold and blue suppurativa bacilli. The last two players of the disease often develop resistance to antibiotics, so that they no longer get affected by them.

Honey is well known for its various health claims. But scientists could not even imagine that this common resource is popular, in fact, it effectively. Canadian researchers discovered that honey can destroy the bacteria that causes chronic runny nose. The effectiveness of this remedy, in some cases even exceeded one of the antibiotics.

The effect of honey on bacteria
Canadian scientists at the University of Ottawa studied the effect of honey on 11 strains of microorganisms, including dangerous pathogens such as Staphylococcus gold and blue suppurativa bacilli. The last two players of the disease often develop resistance to antibiotics, so that they no longer get affected by them.

Honey better than antibiotics?
As a result, the honey was able to kill bacteria in the solution, as well as on the surface of the water. Efficacy was also compared with the effectiveness of antibiotics.
The antibiotic-resistant bacteria also died under the treatment with honey.

Effect on honey runny nose
The scientists said this study confirms that honey can cure chronic runny nose. It is well known that a runny nose can be caused by viruses and bacteria. Viral runny nose does not usually require treatment with antibiotics and disappear on their own.

When honey is essential
A bacterial, on the other hand, must be treated with antibiotics, but if the bacterium is resistant to antibiotics progress of the disease and take a chronic form. When the disease is chronic honey can be used as an effective substitute for antibiotics and can help cure it.


talia p said...

I have read this before. I eat a lot of natural honey, I'm lucky I live by a bee farm. It is so different than the kind you get at the supermarket, way tastier.

Honey and bee pollen can help with allergies as well. It helps build up a natural immunity to the flowers the honey comes from. Like wildflower honey for example.

vaginoplasty said...

honey did exactly what you said it does. It's really wonderful. It's all good. Really good.

chin suregery said...

It fits our needs perfectly. It's really wonderful. The best on the net!

chin suregery said...

It fits our needs perfectly. It's really wonderful. The best on the net!

Michael Moodie said...

Only will be good for as long as the bees are around ! and if that nasty worm creature that is slowly killing the bee colonys around the world takes over.. say goodbye to honey.. among other things !