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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vegetarianism, Is It Always Good For Health?

As soon as the summer season starts, many fruit and vegetable diet fans are filled with happiness. Finally, the body can consume a lot of natural vitamins - they rejoice, without suspecting that even the healthiest nutrition can lead to so-called "overdose".
By eating fruits and vegetables, the most important thing is not going too far. A complete denial of food of animal origin is not very well received by the body. As excessive intake of some vegetation and other foods of summer. What?

Vegetarian foods that should not Overeaten
For example, with the exception of green additive to the table is not recommended over watermelon, raspberries, citrus fruits, gooseberries, apples and sour garlic.
Some effects of vegetarian foods overeating.

As soon as the summer season starts, many fruit and vegetable diet fans are filled with happiness. Finally, the body can consume a lot of natural vitamins - they rejoice, without suspecting that even the healthiest nutrition can lead to so-called "overdose".
By eating fruits and vegetables, the most important thing is not going too far. A complete denial of food of animal origin is not very well received by the body. As excessive intake of some vegetation and other foods of summer. What?

Vegetarian foods that should not Overeaten
For example, with the exception of green additive to the table is not recommended over watermelon, raspberries, citrus fruits, gooseberries, apples and sour garlic.
Some effects of vegetarian foods overeating.
Although the watermelon is healthy because it normalizes the stool, in most cases leads to heartburn and shed. Raspberries eaten on an empty stomach may cause diarrhea. Citrus fruits, gooseberries, apples are sour "instigators" of the ulcer and gastritis. Garlic is not a welcome guest in the event of esophageal hernia.
Why not be completely vegetarian?

Even if reasonable limits is not recommended to fill only the fruit and vegetable diet - not a vegetable food component, which is very important for a human body - protein. The protein is one of the most important building materials for the cells, helps to regenerate cells actively. In any case, it is better to include meat and fish in each menu.
Just another info for your health.
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Is It True That Salt is a Health Threat ?

While most people still think of salt as a health threat, the researchers heap praise on him because he found that the reasonable consumption of salt is actually healthy. Here are some facts rehabilitation. Cuffs, salt provides essential natrium, chlorine and potassium, magnesium and iodine. Secondly, the salt water is the most effective remedy for infected wounds.
These powers of wound healing can be explained by antibacterial content of salt.

Here are more facts about healthy salt.
You can name a hot water solution of salt-curing it. You know why? In fact, salt baths are still popular and effective treatment for various skin diseases.

While most people still think of salt as a health threat, the researchers heap praise on him because he found that the reasonable consumption of salt is actually healthy. Here are some facts rehabilitation. Cuffs, salt provides essential natrium, chlorine and potassium, magnesium and iodine. Secondly, the salt water is the most effective remedy for infected wounds.
These powers of wound healing can be explained by antibacterial content of salt.

Here are more facts about healthy salt.
You can name a hot water solution of salt-curing it. You know why? In fact, salt baths are still popular and effective treatment for various skin diseases.
Heal the wounds that chronic infectious diseases and inflammation.
Salt baths are also used to dry the wounds and that is recommended to people suffering from varicose veins.
Salt inhalations are beneficial for people with higher airfare injury.
Salt is also a great resource when it comes to food poisoning and digestive disorders.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Healthy Food or Junk Food

We often try to buy only food that will be good for our health as we seek to improve our health status: muesli for breakfast instead of toast with sausages, yogurt instead of milk chocolate, and juice instead of cola. But, as it is, not all foods that are healthy may seem really well. For example, muesli, yoghurt, juice and not only are good for you, but hide any damage to the body as well.

We often try to buy only food that will be good for our health as we seek to improve our health status: muesli for breakfast instead of toast with sausages, yogurt instead of milk chocolate, and juice instead of cola. But, as it is, not all foods that are healthy may seem really well. For example, muesli, yoghurt, juice and not only are good for you, but hide any damage to the body as well.

Muesli not relate to healthy food?
Muesli often contains high concentrations of sugar and salt. On the other hand, literally, every vitamin and mineral in the "healthy" breakfast is chemically designed.

Is that healthy yogurt?
As for yogurt recent studies have shown that most of them contain sugar, corn syrup and artificial substitutes. For these reasons it is recommended to buy skim yogurt instead of fruit-flavored one. Add a bit of fruit and berry yogurt skimming yourself.

Is it juice good for your health ?
Even the juice is not as healthy as it may seem. Many juices sold there only look at juice, and even have a sign "100%" in the package. Naive to believe to be 100% pure juices and buy because they want to supplement your body with healthy nutrients, but only get 100% concentrated diluted. In fact, the word "juice" is nowhere mentioned in the box.

Doest consuming juice lead to obesity?
Also, if you read the information on the package carefully, you will see that even pure fruit drink contains sugar. If you are a strong healthy eating that probably know very well that over-consumption leads to obesity and high cholesterol levels.
From what has been said before, one conclusion can be done - no matter how much some dieticians praise product - Read the information on it carefully before you consume it.
Just another info for your health.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Hookah More Dangerous Than Cigarettes

Egyptian scientists, yet again refuted the widespread belief that smoking hookah is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Let me remind you that smoke hookah at the snuff is believed that prior to being less harmful than the next one of the cigarettes. It was argued that hookah smoke is suffering from water seepage and cooled before reaching the lungs of smokers.

Experiment hookah
A group of Egyptian doctors put the good qualities of a hookah doubt and decided to check the extent that this belief is consistent with the truth. A device was designed for the experiment: a cylinder was placed in him, the volume of the....

Egyptian scientists, yet again refuted the widespread belief that smoking hookah is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Let me remind you that smoke hookah at the snuff is believed that prior to being less harmful than the next one of the cigarettes. It was argued that hookah smoke is suffering from water seepage and cooled before reaching the lungs of smokers.

Experiment hookah
A group of Egyptian doctors put the good qualities of a hookah doubt and decided to check the extent that this belief is consistent with the truth. A device was designed for the experiment: a cylinder was placed in him, the volume of the bottle was identical to the volume of the lungs. A piston which imitated the smoke inhalation and exhalation of snuff was placed in the cylinder.

Artificial lungs
The development has been designed so that after one cycle of movement of the piston the amount of smoke inside representing the amount that accumulates in the lungs of smokers. Physical and chemical analysis of this smoke were conducted after the test.

Real hookah smokers
Scientists spent ocean observation time of hookah smokers to determine with certainty how long they spend their time smoking and the smoke is usually held in the lungs after each inhalation. The data received are entered into the computer which controlled the apparatus that imitated of hookah smoking, these data also were analyzed.

Hookah Experiment Results
The results showed that the effect of 25 grams of snuff for hookah smoking in general is equal to that received from a smoking 60 cigarettes regularly.
How hookah smoking affects lung health
Another bad news for lovers of the hookah is the conclusion made by scientists, who say the regular inhalation of 500-600 cm cubic smoke causes the lungs lose their elasticity and the effective ability to dispose of harmful substances.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Diet In Winter Leads to The Common Cold and Flu

Do you count calories to maintain their slim figure? Are you who famishing only to lose spare tire? Those who decided to lose weight before Christmas should know the following - the fewer calories you enter your body the more difficult it is to combat viruses and infections.
The investigation by the Michigan State University has shown that mice on a calorie-restricted diet have a higher risk of death within the first few days after their infection with the bacteria that cause cold. Even with adequate levels of vitamins and minerals, 40% decrease in caloric intake can lead to serious illness, but not desired thinness.

Do you count calories to maintain their slim figure? Are you who famishing only to lose spare tire? Those who decided to lose weight before Christmas should know the following - the fewer calories you enter your body the more difficult it is to combat viruses and infections.
The investigation by the Michigan State University has shown that mice on a calorie-restricted diet have a higher risk of death within the first few days after their infection with the bacteria that cause cold. Even with adequate levels of vitamins and minerals, 40% decrease in caloric intake can lead to serious illness, but not desired thinness.

The lack of vitamins and physical activity in the winter period results in weaker immune system, making the body more susceptible to viral infections. Our body fights the infection, especially in the early stages, with the help of antibodies that kill the virus. But without the necessary antibodies our body is not capable of resisting diseases. With the restricted intake of calories the body recovers more and becomes increasingly vulnerable to colds and flu. In winter, we have a stockpile of essential nutrients, dietary and weakens the immune system and prevents recovery processes. Therefore, forget about the strict diets in the cold season.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stop Smoking Without Gaining Weight

Many women who try to quit, unless they are afraid to take the unwanted weight. To what extent these fears are real and how they can maintain weight? The main reason for the weight again lies in the improvement of the gastric mucosa and the secretory function of the stomach affected by gastritis that develops gradually in smokers. That's why those who quit smoking experience increased appetite and finally, increased metabolism. That explains why they tend to get your book again after discarding bad habit.

Many women who try to quit, unless they are afraid to take the unwanted weight. To what extent these fears are real and how they can maintain weight? The main reason for the weight again lies in the improvement of the gastric mucosa and the secretory function of the stomach affected by gastritis that develops gradually in smokers. That's why those who quit smoking experience increased appetite and finally, increased metabolism. That explains why they tend to get your book again after discarding bad habit.

To eliminate the problem of gaining weight, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more fluids and exercising more intensely in the first months without cigarettes.
The development of eating habits to prevent weight gain
Moreover, it is advisable to eat more, but in small portions, for a while. The best way is to eat five small meals a day. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, and make a break for a few seconds every time you swallow.

If you have been smoking away and stuck with his new diet plan for a month, can return to a regular diet, without adding inches to your waist or thighs. But why leave your healthy diet? Once they began to quit and a healthy lifestyle, keep it healthy and eating small meals and more fruits and vegetables

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Monday, December 22, 2008

Scientists Have Discovered A New Way To Fight Against Obesity

The study published by biologists in the journal Science says it is now possible to extract cells that become fat of the lining of blood vessels. New findings will help in the treatment of diabetes and obesity and improve healing. Progenitor cells from fat are mature stem cells. Unlikely that embryonic stem cells turn into any cell type, they can develop into different cell types in one tissue - the adipose tissue in this case.

Stem cell experiments

Mature stem cells could be medically useful, provided there is a possibility to extract different parts of the body and settle in other regions. So far it has been a great technological challenge of identifying and extracting stem cells.
Research at the University of Southwestern Texas Medical Center has managed to find the exact location of stem cells in mice and invent a device of these cells.

The study published by biologists in the journal Science says it is now possible to extract cells that become fat of the lining of blood vessels. New findings will help in the treatment of diabetes and obesity and improve healing. Progenitor cells from fat are mature stem cells. Unlikely that embryonic stem cells turn into any cell type, they can develop into different cell types in one tissue - the adipose tissue in this case.

Stem cell experiments

Mature stem cells could be medically useful, provided there is a possibility to extract different parts of the body and settle in other regions. So far it has been a great technological challenge of identifying and extracting stem cells.
Research at the University of Southwestern Texas Medical Center has managed to find the exact location of stem cells in mice and invent a device of these cells.

Stem cells and obesity

Scientists engineering a line of mice with stem cells that glow green, allowing them to watch the movement of cells and development of fat cells. They found that stem cells are located in the walls of blood vessels that feed adipose tissue. When fat cells die, stem cells divide to produce new fat cells. In addition, stem cells start to develop fat cells sense if excess calories. Accordingly, the fat cells multiply, which May be a cause of obesity.

Green light for the treatment of obesity

Green allowed the light of research to separate the progenitor cells from fat mice. In laboratory studies, researchers have determined stem cells have molecules on the surface, which can make the task of isolating stem cells from the human body easier.
"Since we can now isolate the progenitor cells, we can study the molecular structure. This will not only reveal how they operate, but also help in treating many human conditions ", - said the head of the research team Dr. Jonathan Graff.
Scientists believe that their findings will help in the treatment of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders. It can also improve the healing and resolution of scars.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common of all types of cancer. More than 1 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States. That's more than cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, colon, uterus, ovaries, pancreas and combined. The incidence of skin cancer has been rising in recent decades.

The good news is that there is a lot you can do to protect yourself and your family from skin cancer, or catch it early enough so that it can be treated effectively. Most skin cancers are caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV). Much of this exhibition comes from the sun, but some are from May anthropogenic sources such as sunbeds.

This document explains how to develop skin cancer and some simple steps you can take to protect yourself on the road. It also describes how to search for signs of skin cancer in your body. Possible to find skin cancer does not require X-rays or blood - only the eyes and a mirror. If skin cancer does develop, it is beginning is the best way to ensure it can be treated effectively.

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is divided into 2 main categories: keratinocyte cancers (basal and Squamous Cell skin cancer) and melanoma.

Basal and squamous cell skin cancers are the most common skin cancers. They develop from cells called keratinocytes, the most common skin cells.

Melanomas are cancers that develop from melanocytes, the cells that produce the brown pigment that gives skin its color. Melanocytes can also be benign growths called moles.

There are several other types of skin cancers as well, but they are much less frequent.

It is important for doctors to tell these types of skin cancer outside, as they are treated differently. It is also important for you to know that melanoma and basal and Squamous Cell skin cancers look like. This way you can find, as soon as possible when they are treated more easily.

Skin cancer is the most common of all types of cancer. More than 1 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States. That's more than cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, colon, uterus, ovaries, pancreas and combined. The incidence of skin cancer has been rising in recent decades.

The good news is that there is a lot you can do to protect yourself and your family from skin cancer, or catch it early enough so that it can be treated effectively. Most skin cancers are caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV). Much of this exhibition comes from the sun, but some are from May anthropogenic sources such as sunbeds.

This document explains how to develop skin cancer and some simple steps you can take to protect yourself on the road. It also describes how to search for signs of skin cancer in your body. Possible to find skin cancer does not require X-rays or blood - only the eyes and a mirror. If skin cancer does develop, it is beginning is the best way to ensure it can be treated effectively.

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer is divided into 2 main categories: keratinocyte cancers (basal and Squamous Cell skin cancer) and melanoma.

Basal and squamous cell skin cancers are the most common skin cancers. They develop from cells called keratinocytes, the most common skin cells.

Melanomas are cancers that develop from melanocytes, the cells that produce the brown pigment that gives skin its color. Melanocytes can also be benign growths called moles.

There are several other types of skin cancers as well, but they are much less frequent.

It is important for doctors to tell these types of skin cancer outside, as they are treated differently. It is also important for you to know that melanoma and basal and Squamous Cell skin cancers look like. This way you can find, as soon as possible when they are treated more easily.

Basal and Squamous Cell cancers (cancers of keratinocytes)

Basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers are the most common skin cancers. They develop from skin cells called keratinocytes. Both basal cell and squamous cell cancers are found mainly in parts of the body exposed to sunlight, such as head and neck, and their occurrence is related to the amount of sun exposure over a lifetime of the person .

These cancers (particularly cancers Basal cell) rarely spread elsewhere in the body and are less likely to be deadly melanoma. Yet they are important to recognize. If left untreated, they can grow quite large and invade nearby tissue, causing scarring, disfigurement, or loss of function in parts of the body.

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Dangerous toxic in cigarette smoke

Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium and lead were detected in sidestream cigarette smoke, indicating that these toxic elements can travel different distances in air circulation.

Smoking cigarettes produced more than 4000 chemicals, many are toxic and about 40 cause cancer. These compounds remain in the air as environmental tobacco smoke, which is inhaled by others in the region. There are two main types of tobacco smoke: mainstream smoke that is exhaled by a smoker and secondary smoke from the burning tip of cigarettes.
While investigating heavy metals in sidestream cigarette smoke, researchers from tobacco company Philip Morris USA, has been an accumulation of arsenic in the fireplace used in the first stage of their equipment collection. This phenomenon was not observed for cadmium or lead. They think the reason is that arsenic could be a liquid vapor while cadmium and lead are solid particles.

Michael Chang and his colleagues used a device called a "fish" leader chimney smoke from a cigarette burn to a stream of hits which received as a smoke condensate. The rest of the smoke had escaped capture was whether a mixed cellulose ester filter to try to take rest. Various options were considered for the preparation of the condensed smoke, which in different parts of the equipment. The best sampling method was manure, which involved using the detergent Triton X-100 and nitric acid to make a slurry with the smoke condensate. In inductively coupled mass spectrometry was used for slurry analyzer.

The filing of a greater percentage of the total arsenic (20 percent), as cadmium or lead (less than 5 per cent) in the fireplace shows that toxic elements in cigarette smoke may travel differently in a airflow and can deposit at various points. The researchers believe this behavior is caused by differences between solid (particles) and liquid (steam) phase elements.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Herb Acne

Until today, it looks like there is no medicine that can cure acne completely. However, many efforts that can be done to help cure or at least reduce the growth of cells. Blend of traditional one.

a. Herb I
Provide 6 units starfruit , half a teaspoon sulfur powder, and 1 orange juice. How: starfruit and sulfur powder mashed , then press it with lemon juice. Use: Wipe slowly in the face of a pustular. Do 3 times a day.

b. Herb II
Provide 20 jasmine flower bud, 2 finger old acid , 1 orange juice, and the sulfur as big as pigeon eggs. How: jasmine, acids and sulfur-old washed and pounded fine. Then press it with lemon juice. Usage, with the same ingredients I.

Acne is a skin inflammation, such as the shape of small sores contain objects such as fat, which is sometimes hard to be changed like a candle, sometimes containing pus. Acne often approached folk-grown-up, age 14-20 years. Age is marked by many changes of physical and psychological, and active. Along with that, the gland-gland oil also productive. Now, cell number of oil glands, become acne. In summary, acne is caused oil production that is too many.

Genetic factor and factors descendants of food can trigger the emergence of acne. Also, psychological factors, such as during menstruation, and the use of cosmetics that do not match, or drinking a certain drug, can only lead to the emergence of acne. That is, any treatment is necessary:

1. Clean the face or the pimply skin at least twice a day with a special soap face cleanser and warm water.

2. Do sports in the morning in the place that lighted by the sun.

3. Reduce fatty foods, and alcoholic beverages.

4. Increase consumption of vegetables (spinach, onion leaves, pea, carrot, etc.) and fruit (bananas, tomatoes, oranges, pineapple, etc.).

5. Avoid the use of cosmetics that basically oil.

6. That is not less important, do not puncture or cleanup by press the acne. You can even leave the infection and former stain.
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tips on maintaining eye

Until a few years of life, the eyeball we continue to develop. In the eyes of a minus, eyeball sweep. So to help make the necessary vision goggles minus. Likewise, in the eyes of the positive.

How our eyes work like the lens. If we impose too many eyes to see in the dark or far the eye will continue berakomodasi. The eye often berakomodasi the slow work of vision. It can cause eye or minus positive.

Not to intensifying minus your eyes, note the following tips.

1. The easiest way to keep the eye minus no more increases are consuming more foods that contain lutein. Lutein many contained in the green. Lutein is necessary Retina as a filter to a toxic blue rays of the Retina makula eyes. In addition, there is also a good idea you consume food bervitamin A and beta carotene such as carrots and sweet potatoes. Many people-consumption of vegetables, in addition to the benefits you get is also good for the eyes to the body and skin, right?

2. There are several things that must be taken to prevent a minus in the eye increases. One is always mencek condition of your eyes. Despite not you feel a problem in the eye, not adal an occasional memeriksakannya to the doctor. Will be easier if more can be known early.

3. Control of health conditions that may affect vision. Such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Immediately you handle the disease.

4. Protect with glasses. Minus the eye should always protected from UV radiation. Select the appropriate glasses with good quality. These glasses will be more important when you spend long hours in front of the computer or TV. Or when you tangah mengkonsumisi drugs that increase the sensitivity of our eyes against UV radiation.

5. Often rest your eyes. Despite this will not reduce your eye on the minus, after long hours of sitting in front of the computer, try to see other sights. Do not focus too eye on the computer too long.

6. Which must be not less lighting is adequate. Do not force the resignation read in dark or light the feeble-nebulous. Should also do not watch TV at night with lights off. Use adequate lighting to help your eyes to control objects to be seen. Read More......